This style brings sound to life! Your therapist works to the beat of a different drum, applying their craft in tune with a fusion of mellow beats and uplifting songs- making this work feel like a dance with the waves of the ocean. Utilizing "free movement" (letting go of the traditional cadence massage tends to follow) clients will lose themselves in their session.
Towel draping is provided in this session. This draping style still covers and secures sensitive areas while allowing the therapist to move freely from head to foot of the table without losing contact with the client. However, upon request for comfort of the client, we can still utilize sheet draping. Before your Lomi session, all of these things will be communicated between therapist and client so that the experience is precisely what the client needs it to be.
This one-of-a-kind experience allows two therapists to provide a client's bodywork! Your practitioners will work together to allow your body to relax and move as if with the ocean itself. Something like a dance, you will find yourself lost in the music and rhythm of the work. It is best to come in hydrated as this is a lot of stimulation to the lymphatic system and muscle tissue.